
Developing lifelong study habits is a vital skill for all students. Independent learning is key to securing great outcomes and developing skills of resourcefulness and resilience. Please find a list below outlining the ways that students can embed skills and knowledge outside of the classroom:

  • Completing homework and any outstanding work set on Google Classroom
  • Downloading and practising past exam papers
  • Downloading and checking the curriculum content from their subjects
  • Making use of GCSE Pod (see below) - where they will find short clips which help to reinforce and embed subject knowledge as well as webinars for exam preparation
  • Using Brainscapes to make online flashcards
  • Using the subject recommended online learning platforms, which can be accessed here
  • Attending after school revision sessions - 2023/24 timetable
  • Making use of the after school study club (see here for times)
  • Engaging with the Beyond the Classroom activities on our website




The school has subscribed to GCSEPod, which is an excellent way for students to consolidate their learning with access to over 6,000 3-5 minute videos written specifically for the GCSE courses followed at John Colet. The pods are suitable for all Year 7-11 students, who can follow the instructions below to get started.

GCSEPod - Quick Start

GCSE Pod also have a series of supportive webinars for parents, carers and other year groups too which can be accessed here: Webinars


Please find here the information shared at the Year 11 Parents Information Evening regarding supporting revision at home in March 2024: 05.03.24 Presentation



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