General Admissions

Admissions to start John Colet School in September of Year 7 are coordinated by Buckinghamshire Council and information on the process of moving up to secondary school can be found on the BC Admissions website, including the timeline for the process. At this link you will also find details of open events for all schools.

Students have been admitted into Year 7 in September 2023 according to the school's admissions criteria which are set out on the Policies page of this website.

The transition timetable for students joining us in September 2024 is as follows:

October 2024 - Open events in school

31 October 2024 - Deadline to submit your child’s application to Buckinghamshire Council.

1 March 2025 - School offer day.

Early April - Electronic admission forms emailed to parents, including welcome pack information. Please complete as soon as possible.

May/June - Transition Team visits to feeder primary schools. Students from smaller feeder schools will be invited to a pre-induction morning.

June - Uniform (including PE kit) sale and ordering in the John Colet Hall. 

Tuesday 1 and Wednesday 2 July - Year 6 Induction Days at John Colet School.

Tuesday 1 July – Year 6 Parents Information Evening in the John Colet Hall, for parents with their first child at John Colet.

Buckinghamshire Council Family Information Service offer some useful tips on supporting your child moving up to secondary school. They are also running ‘How to…Move up to Secondary School’ courses for young people. Please see the flyer for more information and to book a place.

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